4 principles for high integrity

As business professionals, it's so easy to get caught up in anticipating the future. We often fail to recognize the effect we have on the people that we work with.We lack integrity - ability to be devoted to certain principles, be able to do the right things and maintain a maximum degree of professionalism. Which principles for a high-integrity business life should you apply? The following list is easy to read and much harder to live by. Manage to do so and you will be respected and admired.


1) Right is right

If you want to make yourself feel good, you can spin the facts and disregard the spirit of your agreements, writes management-issues.com. Your true character comes through. So be careful what you expose to your colleagues and customers.

2) Your actions matter

Your actions are what count the most. Have you done something wrong? Do whatever it takes to make it right. Everyone makes mistakes. The difference between a person with high integrity and others is in how hard you are willing to work to correct a bad situation. If you have created it, don’t choose the easy way out.

3) Your words matter

Words are indicators of your character. They can be used to enlighten or to deceive. Do you manipulate situations by exaggeration and not revealing pertinent information? Try to eliminate any ambiguity in what you’re saying. Remember: if you always tell the truth, you don’t need to spend time avoiding it.

4) Trustworthiness is the foundation

Without trustworthiness you have nothing. When you are trustworthy, your words and actions hold extraordinary value. You don’t waste time making excuses for not following through on what you’ve promised or said.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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