4 habits that make the difference between great and average leaders

Most of us have had bad, stupid or incompetent bosses, or bosses who were experts in their field but who were not able to communicate with their employees. Those of you who have been lucky enough to have had a great leader who was a support and role model for you know how this experience influenced you in a positive way. If you are now in the position of a team leader, or if you're preparing for it, here are four habits that make the difference between great leaders and just average ones.


Working in the morning

According to INC.com, team leaders often realize that early morning is a great time for work; others aren't at work yet, and you can work on your own things in peace. Good leaders share the habit of not throwing away the time before half past eight in the morning, but instead using it in an efficient way to start off their work day.

A positive attitude

A good leader shouldn't have bad moods. On the contrary, they should be able to motivate people in a positive way, and should join people together and resolve issues and doubts. Don't be a moody boss. Always try to find ideal solutions for every situation with your team members.

Write down long-term goals 

Bad leaders only mainten the status quo, or they just deal with the most pressing issues. Good leaders are able to motivate their team through common long-term goals. These must be written down and clearly defined so that everybody knows about them and works toward them together.

Being part of the team

You must never stand aloof from your employees. The best leaders are always part of the team, they should inspire the team members and, above all, they should help out with individual projects. Don't be an authoritarian manager, be someone who is a genuine part of the team.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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