4 steps to earn respect of older subordinates


A young manager who has just become a leader of a team of older people finds a demanding challenge awaiting him. He should take into account that his subordinates of higher age will not have much confidence in him. Very often, they will even wish that he failed. They can feel fear but also be outraged that they were not appointed to the managerial post themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate that a young manager is able to respect the opinions of the older employees, promote their interests and assign them with meaningful work. You should achieve this goal during the first 90 days in office.

The server Forbes.com provides tips how to go about it:

1. Listen and learn

Observe the ways in which are your new employees accustomed to work. Examine their strengths and personality traits. Think about what you can learn from each and every one of them. Speak with them about what they taught you. Then concentrate on their weaker points and the possibilities of making the work in team more efficient.

2. Create personal relationships

Make maximal effort to learn as much as possible about the personal side of your employees. Invite them to common events, chat at lunch about their families and life experience. Let them give you a piece of advice and show that you are open to their concerns and suggestions. Do not exercise your authority at any cost.

3. Merge the old with the new

Look for creative ways to show the older generation that your style of thinking makes sense. Do not expect that they will understand you right at the moment. Give them some time. Show them particular examples and be patient. Base your strategy on a natural dynamic of your team.

4. Become one of them

The respect of your staff cannot be enforced. Therefore, try to act as a regular member of the team who does not possess any special privileges. Show that you have an honest interest in successful cooperation by caring about your team more than about your power.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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