4 reasons remote workers are worth it


Are you thinking about hiring remote workers? Or do you want to give your current employees the ability to work from home? Some studies show that employees who work from home are more productive. Allbusiness.com described a few reasons why to choose remote workers.

1) Workers feel connected with their colleagues

It is not difficult to work from a home office these days. All workers need are a Wi-Fi connection and computer or laptop. According to a ConnectSolutions study, 80 percent of these workers still feel connected with their colleagues.

2) Workers are more productive

A recent Global Workplace Analytics survey showed that 53 percent of remote workers do not have a problem working overtime. But with in-office employees it was only 28 percent.

Working from home, insulates the employee from the daily distractions that take place in the office. (S)he is not asked to attend meetings and does not waste time chatting with colleagues. Home based workers can concentrate on tasks without interruption.

3) Employees avoid the stress of commuting

When your employee commutes from a far distance, it is very uncomfortable and it can negatively affect the quality of work. Happy workers are more productive. Moreover, thanks to your decision they will save money traveling.

4) You will gain access to a wider range of talents

Once you stop focusing only on potential employees who live near your company, a wide range of global talent will open up. Of course, talented employees will move your business forward.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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