4 skills of a virtual manager. Do you have them?


Managers who work outside their companies or manage their teams remotely need four basic skills. According to  the talentmgt.com website, these skills include:


"Virtual" managers must show that they trust their people to finish their projects on time. The path to effective engagement of remote employees leads just through delegating projects and regular communication.


Employees working remotely need regular feedback - both praise and criticism. Like in case of teams whose members meet face to face, follow the rule to praise publicly and criticize in private.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking allows clear and rational decisions. By considering the broader context of a situation before you decide, you show that you know how to make decisions and take responsibility for your actions.

Personal responsibility

"Virtual" manager should set an example of personal responsibility for the activities of his team.


Article source Talent Management - U.S. magazine and website for talent management and HR professionals
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