Three traits of people capable of having a big influence on others

The ability to influence others, persuade them of something and make them enthusiastic about a certain idea is not unique to managers. It is a skill used not only in one's job but also in personal, everyday life. Here are three characteristics of successful leaders who are capable of effectively influencing others and enthusing those around them with their ideas.


Focus on emotions

Leading people is mostly about emotions. This is why you must make your team members feel enthusiastic about your ideas and give them a sense of uniqueness, community or confidence.  You must also allow them space, regard them as individuals and motivate them using things they feel strongly about.

Interest in others

People who want to be charismatic and have an impact on others often ask themselves what they should do, what they should look like and how they should behave. But the most basic advice is: have a genuine interest in people around you. The most likeable people are those who show an interest in the person they are talking to or dealing with. Be interested in colleagues and employees, be on the same wavelength as them and they will return it by trusting you and showing an interest in your ideas.


According to Addicted2Success, another crucial trait is speaking in a simple and effective manner. You must not overcomplicate matters or explain things in too complex a way. Whenever you are trying to convince someone of something, stick to your main idea and revolve your argument around it. You should also use the same expressions as the other person and talk about things and people they are familiar with.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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