3 tips to retain your best employees


When setting and reviewing performance goals for individuals, tell them what these goals mean to the whole company. Employees must feel that their work matters and it’s appreciated. Help your employees with personal growth. But beware, that doesn’t mean fixing their weaknesses. Invest in your employees by giving them time for development. As a result, you will also turn them into more loyal employees. Make sure that there are internal promotions and that they reflect performance and capabilities, advises  the smartblogs.com website.

1) Align company and individual goals

Performance management matters. A survey conducted by the Brandon Hall Group in 2014 found that 74 % of respondents think aligning employee performance goals with goals of the company must be a priority.

Employee’s performance should be tied to organizational goals. When that is not the case, it is difficult to see how work of an individual affects the bigger picture. Employees then feel disconnected. Their success is not interlinked with the success of the company.

2) Focus on building strengths

Company should nurture the strengths of its employees. People need meaningful discussions about their strengths with their superiors. Employees also want to become better. The workplace environment should support them. After all, without a chance to develop, they can’t achieve their career goals. Show your employees that you value and want to develop their strengths.

3) Let them learn

A full-time job brings considerable constraints on one's time and finances. It is difficult to continue one's education. Offer flexible schedules and home office opportunities. By offering flexibility, you are really helping your employees. These perks give them a chance to pursue valuable education or training.


Article source SmartBlogs.com - network of professional blogs
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