10 tips to become a better worker in the new year

The end of a year is usually a period of balancing and looking for new challenges. If you want to start the new year in your your work better than this year, get inspired by the following career recommendations from Forbes.com. We chose ten tips for you to become better in your job in 2014.

1. Try to anticipate the needs of your department

Come up with ideas on how you can be better as a team. Show your boss that you are able to think and work independently without being told what to do.

2. Get to know your supervisor better

You do not have to become best friends. Start by paying more attention to your boss in order to better understand his style. The better you learn to communicate with him, the better for you. Generally, however, follow the principle of not complaining to your boss without offering your proposals for solutions.

3. Be positive

Be careful how you affect those around you. The way you behave should show that you believe in yourself and know how to do your job well.

4. Watch your industry

Be interested in current events in a broader context than just your company. Read industry-related magazines and websites, talk to your colleagues and other people in the field. Information is always useful.

5. Find a mentor

Look around you to find out who you might learn something from. There are certainly many colleagues in your company who may not become your official mentors, but you can watch them at work and regularly communicate with them to learn new interesting things.

6. Improve your communication

Work hard on stop being afraid to talk about unpleasant things. If necessary, go into conflicts. Make a commitment to no longer contribute to the misunderstandings that arise in the workplace every day.

7. Be more careful about overwork

In the new year, stop setting unrealistic goals that are just making you exhausted. Try to work smarter, not longer.

8. Expand your horizons in the company

Agree to volunteer on an interesting project outside your department or business unit. You can get new experience and contacts within the company. Be careful, however, so that it does not affect your primary job responsibilities.

9. Educate yourself

Actively look for courses and other opportunities to learn new things in your field. Show your company how you can help it more thanks to your new knowledge.

10. Keep your promises

Show that you are reliable. Always do what you promise - do it well, on time and within budget.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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