10 little steps to damage your career


Anyone can make a big mistake at work that can damage his career or even be the cause of his dismissal. More often, however, our careers are destroyed by small incremental steps we do not realize are building up. What are they? This topic has recently been covered on the Business Insider website. The bad habits that slowly but surely destroy our careers were summed up in the following points. Try to be honest, how many of them do you have?

1. Unwillingness to fit in

Every workplace has rules that employees should adapt to. If you do not even try, others will soon start to think that you are not interested in having good relationships with your colleagues.

2. Doing just the bare minimum

You carry out your tasks on time and well, but you are not interested in doing anything more. Lacking interest in new opportunities is another clear signal for your superiors not to count on you in the future.

3. You are unreliable

You tend to postpone your tasks for too long. You promise that you will do something, but it often ends up being only a promise. Someone can get a reputation for being an unreliable employee very quickly. Getting other people's trust back is, however, definitely not as fast.

4. You dress poorly

Even if your current job position does not require a formal attire, the way you dress and your overall look express your approach to work. Try to dress for the position you would like to hold in the future.

5. You are negative and rude

You have a negative attitude to work and the people around you. You are constantly complaining about something, which makes it impossible for anybody to work with you for any length of time. You are unable to establish friendly relationships with your colleagues, let alone with your superiors who could help you in your career.

6. You can't accept criticism

You become defensive immediately and do not want to listen to any criticism, and so your boss gets a clear impression that you do not want to work on yourself.

7. You do not come up with any fresh ideas

When you start talking at a meeting, it is just so as not to keep silent. Your team never hears any new proposals from you to improve the way you work together.

8. You come late

When you are late, you show others that something else is more important than your work and the time of the people you work with. You will lose their trust very quickly.

9. You can't stop talking

Communicating with your colleagues is good, but not if your talking distracts them from work. Try to save the talk for at lunch or your breaks.

10. You do not answer e-mails

The ability to organize your e-mail box effectively is an absolute necessity today. People send you important information, and they are waiting for your response. If you do not respond, you will again be perceived as unreliable.


Article source Business Insider - American business and technology news
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