When there is a new generation, things can change. Today, members of generation Z (people who were born during the mid-1990s to the early 2000s) are the new customer…
When you are in a field with more than one supplier, the only thing that…
Can a company's name affect its economic performance? This was the question…
The previous article described how you might approach changing the business…
Here are some valuable reflections articulated by two founders of two…
In order successfully to change your company into a digital one, you need…
For a website to be considered responsive, it must look and work the same…
Anyone who is interested in what customers think should know how to prepare…
The previous article explained why marketers should become more involved in…
Poor application of the obligatory four Ps is often lethal for a startup.…
The strength of the agile approach is that it is iterative and…
Most innovations happen when someone attempts to find a quick fix to a…
The previous article described how women are no less able at negotiating…