Manager – management news

Businesses not using the potential of online reviews of products and services

Most people today order some things online. Whether it be food, electronics, clothing, furniture or services, the decision to order online is always taken partly on…

How retail brands can bridge online and offline (2/2)

The previous article described how tracking customers can be done both…

How retail brands can bridge online and offline (1/2)

Personalised customer experience represents the future. Retailers must know…

Labels on food packages do affect us

Claims on food packages have an influence on us. Is there anyone who would…

E-commerce and luxury products in 2019 and beyond (2/2)

The previous article described how digitalisation will significantly affect…

E-commerce and luxury products in 2019 and beyond (1/2)

Are you interested in online sales of luxury items? Then you should know…

Family businesses (2/2): The importance of institutionalisation to family businesses

The previous article described some differences between old and young…

Family businesses (1/2): A Latin America case study

For a family firm to survive, it needs to enact policies and procedures…

How CFOs can lead digital transformation (1/2)

There are four ways in which CFOs can be catalysts of digital…

Leading cities of today

Where to invest for growth? Which countries, regions or cities offer the…

Insights for more informed decisions: Tools McKinsey uses (2/2)

The previous article described a tool that enables companies to understand…

Skills which global cosmopolitans bring to the table

People who live global lives and have been exposed to several cultures have…

Why digital transformation is a really big thing (2/2): Dynamics of networked platforms

For traditional business leaders the networking effect mentioned in the…

Listing 105 to 117 out of 621