Manager – management news

Not every boss is a psychopath, but ...

There is an undeniable correlation between antisocial behavior and success in business. Even the famous Canadian psychopathologist Robert Hare stated that "'not all…

Talent does not exist, success requires practice

Everybody sometimes wonders why we have not become top scientists, artists,…

Get your staff actually to use the technology you have paid for

There is a problem in your business. You see that the solution could be in…

Virtual teams: Why technology is useless without emotional capital

There are teams which form great working relationships and use technology…

Study: One-third of the world's human capital remains unused

Neither developing nor developed economies are yet able fully to utilise…

The world of work in 2066: Better or worse?

The British magazine Management Today is celebrating $50 years of its…

Why do we still need banks? Fintechs are not a perfect substitute

Banks still have a unique role in providing liquidity and funding higher…

Typical Czech fraudster: A trusted top manager

Men aged 46-55 years old working as senior managers are responsible for the…

What do European managers drive?

A car is one of the most common executive benefits. It must be…

Is your business next to be hit by digital disruption?

During the last ten years, one industry after another has been disrupted by…

Stop polluting your organisation with e-mails

Thierry Breton is a French entrepreneur, former Harvard Business School…

Don’t be afraid of networking: there are many options

Building networks is part of running a business. The Internet has made…

Your brand and retaining customers: expectations matter

Recently WalMart, which is known for its focus on discount pricing,…

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