Manager – management news

Companies and social networks in 2017 (2/2)

In the first part of the article, we introduced three major trends no company should miss when seeking to make effective use of social networking in marketing, sales…

New insights into the determinants of socioeconomic progress (2/2)

In the previous article, we saw that poverty beats income…

Productivity boost: All you need is pencil, paper and these tips

Plan the course of your days in advance. With better organisation and…

New insights into the determinants of socioeconomic progress (1/2)

Increasing income inequality is an issue among almost all wealthy…

Do you want to be more productive? Buy another mobile device

One of the most common recommendations on how to work more productively is…

Companies and social networks in 2017 (1/2)

Every year companies invest more money in new tools and strategies based on…

New era of business (2/2): 3 business models that actually bring value

The previous article, described how suppliers do not have such a sweet…

New era of business (1/2): Suppliers, expect hard times

Today there are considerable opportunities for companies particularly in…

Such are the days of the world's richest people

In 2015 there was a total of 2,473 people worldwide whose assets exceeded $…

Giants of the sharing economy: who is responsible?

Since they are giant for-profit companies, it would be fair to admit that…

Digitization of customer experience in a Serbian bank

In order to be really successful, you should use digital technology in…

The U.S. presidential election: Big data prognosticators failed badly

In the last few election cycles, code-driven tools were fine-tuned and…

Language and cultural pitfalls in conference calls

When there is a conference call with participants from different countries,…

Listing 326 to 338 out of 621