Does your workplace resemble a cult? (1/2)

What is it that makes cults so attractive? Just think about the Manson family or the Jonestown cult, both of which resulted in the death of many people. There are also less violent cults, be they New Age groups, cults of personality or various gurus.


We might define a cult as great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work. Political groupings, lifestyle groups, or even political regimes can also be forms of cults.

Cults fulfil our human search for meaning by providing us with clear and absolute answers to difficult questions. They also provide structure and order. Some people join a cult for this reason: they feel lonely. Such a situation also enables charming predators to touch on our basic desires and take advantage of our anxieties. This warning comes from an article on the website of the INSEAD business school.

How cults work

When a cult is created, complex psychological dynamics are in play. Many cults are built on the human desire to engage in mystical thought processes. When they claim the leader of the cult possesses certain mystical powers, they put us in a position similar to how we perceived our parents in our early life. The result is that people who have joined a cult regress. Leaders then can shape their thoughts and their world view becomes distorted by manipulation.

New recruits are made to feel loved or at least important. The leaders tell them what they like to hear and promise fanciful benefits, such as:

  • Complete financial security
  • Eternal peace of mind
  • Perfect health
  • Eternal life – some really do promise this

The leaders of a cult have power since they promote ideas that are simple to follow and grasp and which seemingly make perfect sense. And that may be much more preferable for some than everyday life, which is full of uncertainty, ambiguities and contradictions.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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Does your workplace resemble a cult? (1/2)


Does your workplace resemble a cult? (2/2)