Is your organization agile?


Hierarchical organization, when each level has a clearly defined role in a top-down strategic process is an old approach. Today there is the need to respond quickly to all changes and management must focus on acting in time rather than on being right. Mindsets need to be changed.

Also, goals for employees will have to change should such a big shift be achieved. You must challenge your employees to innovate and drive the changes. Make innovation everyone’s job and accelerate the pace of how your strategy evolves, advises the website.

1) Leadership

It is about the speed of your decision-making and about the alignment of the style of leadership with the overall strategy. It's also about clear communication that employees can be able to trust.

2) Strategy

Agility in this field is about how your strategy is created. You should foster and enable internal discussion and communicate your strategic decisions well. You need to impose an appropriate level of stretch on your employees and colleagues.

3) Culture

It is about how the collective values and opinions guide the behavior of everyone in the company. Company culture has a large impact on how agile your organization is. Culture can be changed by imposed policies.

4) Structure

Your managers should have clear decision-making authority and your operations and all processes should be strong and robust. When this is accomplished, your structure helps your organization to be more agile.

5) Learning and change

There should be a willingness to change and continually generate new ideas. There must be internal and external networks enabling the sharing of ideas. Sharing insights and the generation of new ideas make it possible for your organization to enact the changes and deal with whatever consequences that arose from past decisions.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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