4 Steps to Corporate Culture of Courage

Dealing with declining incomes, increasing global competition and rapid development of new technologies, many companies have overlooked the culture of fear among their employees. Especially the fear of loss has paralyzed their further development. What to do with it?

Corporate culture of fear must be replaced with culture of courage. It means that leaders at all levels shall encourage and support employees in trying new things for the wider benefit of the company. Server chiefexecutive.net suggests that it can be implemented the following four steps.

1. Linking vital and moral courage

Vital courage is an inspiration to action that will improve our life position or ensure survival. Moral courage means an authentic expression of opinions and values ​​in the pursuit of justice or the common good in spite of differences or rejection. Companies paralyzed by fear are ruled by vital courage - employees are trying to keep their jobs. Leaders should, therefore, motivate their people to acts of moral courage.

2. Linking responsibilities to strengths

Be careful not to match employees to positions in which they cannot use their individual talents. This concerns mainly promotinng specialists into management positions. Managerial positions should not be automatic rewards for performance.

3. Engaging employees

Effective managers are able to engage their people. Despite the company-wide commitment to specific practice, engagement always occurs locally between manager and his staff.

4. Celebrate courageous behavior

To get your people to new things, reward the brave who dare to take the first step. The reward does not have to be financial bonus or a trophy. Try personal thank you from the supervisor or praise at your departnemt meeting. No mather which tool you choose, publicly celebrate the courageous behavior.


Article source ChiefExecutive.net - US website for top managers
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