Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Learn to speak in a way others like listening to

Communication skills are key to success in any given field. Be it personal life or career development,without the ability to communicate effectively with others, you…

Six ways to engage and motivate customer service agents more

The mental state, motivation and engagement of employees in customer…

4 tips on how to maintain a positive attitude, even in times of crisis

The coronavirus pandemic is not the only crisis that you will have to face…

Don't let fear affect you when making a decision

Some leaders are able to keep a cool head even in a crisis. Others may be…

4 reasons why empathy is crucial in managing people

Being a leader requires a number of specific traits. One of them is great…

Six personal challenges that will significantly change your life

If you have the feeling that every day is the same, that you are stagnating…

How a manager can make a team excited about a shared vision

One of the most crucial tasks of a team manager is to offer their team a…

Develop nerves of steel and focus on results like extreme athletes

Extreme athletes are known to have really strong nerves and commitment to…

Become irreplaceable

Who would not want to become an indispensable person for others - and…

How to teach your customer service team to communicate with clients better

Empathy and communication skills are crucial for customer service agents.…

Four practical approaches to creating a motivational context for your team

The role of a manager is not to be responsible for motivating individuals…

Seven traits that every business team manager must have

Not everyone can become a business team manager. A leader who manages the…

How to put together a personal development plan

If a manager neglects their team's personal development too long, sooner or…

Listing 703 to 715 out of 3347