One and the same thing may be said in twenty different ways. Often it is not the content of the message but rather its form and the way it is presented that plays a…
One of the key tasks of a manager is to provide their team with a certain…
Burnout syndrome is a phenomenon which requires no explanation. It is a…
When people think of a team meeting, it often brings to mind boredom and…
Home office or a hybrid model that combines working from home with the…
Are you a new manager, recently promoted and lacking experience? Or are you…
Even a small bad habit can cause big trouble in the long run. If you do…
For a team manager to be a truly inspiring leader, their subordinates must…
Every manager, including you, wants a team consisting of independently…
The beginning of a day plays a crucial role in how the whole day will turn…
High stress levels, too much work, being overwhelmed with tasks and a work-…
Leadership is not just about administrative management of people and…
Quality of communication and the ability to inspire employees play a…