Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Conflics between employees are your problems as well

Given how much time people spend at work with their colleagues every day, these relationships represent a pivotal part of each work environment. Employees should…

Myths about the relationship between superiors and subordinates

We often hear that bosses should not be friends with their subordinates…

7 tips for meaningful coaching of sales representatives

Managers of sales teams want to encourage and motivate their people to…

Silence at meetings is not golden

Give a thought to how many times you have sat at a meeting, disagreed with…

Ten commandments of reliable team demotivation

Do you want to know how to motivate your employees? Ask them. Do not…

What do your people think but do not tell you?

What do your people think but do not tell you?

Team leaders must reckon with the fact that their people will not tell them…

Dysfunctional team? Start by replacing players

Dysfunctional team? Start by replacing players

You have just started to lead a new team and immediately after the first…

Can you apologize?

The ability to apologize is a key but often neglected part of successful…

Want to be a better leader? Focus on your strengths

Want to be a better leader? Focus on your strengths

Each leader has a unique set of strengths that make him able to get the…

Learn to read your audience

A good speaker carefully monitors the audience, listens and adapts to its…

Never put off till tomorrow...

Never put off till tomorrow...

There is one absolutely valid saying concerning the improvement of…

How to turn your boss to your idea

Do you have an idea that you think would bring a positive change to your…

9 direct ways to lose employee morale

Every boss soon finds that is is not enough to tell people what to do.…

Listing 3264 to 3276 out of 3342