Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Make your virtual meetings more human

Virtual meetings are increasingly common in today's business world, but they are also still struggling with not being so effective as traditional meetings where…

6 steps to support employee initiative

Repeating "That is not my job..." is not only a problem of an employee who…

International negotiations: What should you really focus on?

International negotiations: What should you really focus on?

Being aware of common practices in international negotiations is an…

How to leave the office on time?

You would like to leave your office on time but you cannot because you are…

What does your presentation lack?

Public presentations are a potentialy strong way to promote your…

Declare war against unnecessary meetings

Declare war against unnecessary meetings

Not surprisingly, the most precious time at work is wasted on unnecessary…

Forget about forgetting

"I wanted to do it, but I forgot." That i sthe second most stupid excuse…

7 steps to healthy managerial assertiveness

7 steps to healthy managerial assertiveness

Each manager must be assertive but not to the extent to be insufferable or…

How to look professional in videos

Only using Skype, people make phone calls lasting 300 billion minutes per…

Where to find your lost motivation?

Where to find your lost motivation?

Loss of motivation is not unusual in the everyday managerial bustle. How…

Think of conflict as opportunities

Think of conflict as opportunities

No leader can avoid conflicts in the workplace. Even if he tried it, he…

Ten rules of active listening

Our ability to listen shows the people we communicate with that we…

9 things that successful people do and others don't

Why does someone reach their goals and somebody else fails? Years of…

Listing 3225 to 3237 out of 3342