Manager – management news

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Negotiation is not a fight, it is a cooperation

Being able to negotiate is important in all fields, especially in management. Stuart Diamond, world's leading negotiation expert from the U.S. Wharton School at the…

5 questions for your sales team

A sales team manager should regularly communicate with his people about…

Brian Tracy: 4 rules of listening

The ability to listen has a major impact on employee confidence and…

Effective brainstorimg requires preparation

Does brainstorming in your company mean that a manager call his team…

Conflicts within your team? Find the causes

Conflicts in the workplace are among the main causes of stress and a…

Why aren't you successful?

Why aren't you successful?

We all want to win, and get frustrated when we it doesnt work out. We tell…

How to manage your return from holidays better

The period of summer holidays is mostly behind us. Those of you who save…

How to properly end your workday

Ending a workday properly is as important as starting it right. The end of…

Can you manage difficult conversations with employees?

Difficult conversations with employees you have to dismiss, reprimand for…

How to prevent negativity in the team

Managing people with a negative attitude is a challenge for managers and…

How not to burnout when working on a project

A burnout occurs when someone works beyond the limits of his physical and…

E-mail and emotions don't go together

Next time you will want to express your frustration or irony in writing or…

10 rules of negative feedback

Negative feedback should be provided in a way that would not demotivate the…

Listing 3069 to 3081 out of 3342