Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Criticism is not a purely negative thing

Criticizing subordinates is one of the less pleasant parts of a manager's work but it should not be neglected. If you find it difficult to tell subordinates that…

How to prevent the flu from attacking your team

Winter is nearing quickly, bringing it with it the danger that colds or…

Everybody can learn how to speak in public

There is only an absolute minimum of speakers with the art of performing in…

The rules of teamwork (not only) in IT

The rules of teamwork (not only) in IT

Do you work as an IT specialist or are you responsible for a team of IT…

The Christmas party as an opportunity for networking

We are approaching the time of year for Christmas parties, which, for you,…

A great leader doesn?t have to make big gestures

Being a good leader neednt be as difficult as it might at first seem. The…

Why don't people like your meetings?

Does it happen to you that you call a meeting and the participants'…

Three questions for your subordinates

Do you want to motivate your employees to better performance? Then ask them…

Don?t let cynics take over your team

Don?t let cynics take over your team

One cynic on a team can activate negativism in all of the other members.…

High performance organization

The so-called High Performance Organization - HPO is an organization that…

A guide to difficult conversations with employees

A number of situations occur in managerial practice where it is necessary…

Help your salespeople to overcome their fears

Help your salespeople to overcome their fears

Perhaps as managers of sales teams youve noticed that some of your sales…

Rules of successful sales teams

Many companies build their sales strategis on sales teams but these teams…

Listing 3017 to 3029 out of 3342