Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Do you have the mental strength to achieve success?

Successful people have many different characteristics, but what they have in common is great mental strength. This means they can manage their emotions, thoughts and…

5 tips on how to deal with conflict situations in a friendly way

Do you value friendly relations with your colleagues? Would you rather…

The end of traditional managers?

Zappos says good-bye to managers. No more managers required. Become more…

What kills your motivation?

Motivation is sometimes difficult to find. We would like to be more…

5 corporate rules that kill your business

Are you also of the opinion that the customer is always right? Promoting…

Let employees make mistakes; or, the end of micromanagement

Maybe you will consider the title exaggerated. It might be. Nevertheless,…

The Houdini and other clients you should avoid

When you are doing or starting a business is it your only goal to seek and…

How to attract media attention

You have an interesting business idea or a new product to launch on the…

10 tips to become a better worker in the new year

10 tips to become a better worker in the new year

The end of a year is usually a period of balancing and looking for new…

A successful business plan is based on two pillars

Maybe you have just discovered a niche in the market that makes your…

Do you want to liven up your meetings? Hire an illustrator pointed to an interesting trend in the organization of…

What you should remember before 2014

December is a time when all plans are finishing and most of us are already…

Worst recommendations for your Christmas party

The end of the year is approaching and so do corporate Christmas parties.…

Listing 2666 to 2678 out of 3343