Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to lay the foundations of your startup's corporate culture

Maybe you think a startup should not define any company culture or standards at the outset. This would be a mistake. Usually there are certain elements set in the…

Three questions that will interest your investor

Not everyone can put business ideas into practice without external…

When is it time to slow down?

You have many tasks to perform and not enough time to complete them.…

How to stay healthy when doing business

Entrepreneurship is mentally challenging, but entrepreneurs often forget…

Do you know about TED Talks?

The acronym TED stands for "Technology, Entertainment, Design". It is also…

How do you establish yourself as a coach?

As managers, you have probably experienced coaching as a coachee as part of…

No success without positive self-talk

Our careers can be self destructed in many ways. The way we think is one of…

Tips for young managers with older subordinates

You were promoted because you met all the necessary managerial…

Project management: Do you know what you are doing?

You have been assigned a new project but cannot orientate very well in it.…

Seven misconceptions about productivity

Nowadays, there are tools available to us for scheduling our time,…

Are you looking for innovative ideas? Visit a museum

Perhaps you are thinking about whether to start your own business and say…

A project manager's weekly bread

Some time ago, we published an article titled Project manager's daily…

Employee engagement is more than happiness

A study last year by Gallup entitled State of the Global Workplace, which…

Listing 2627 to 2639 out of 3343