Manager – management news

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6 practical tips for greater productivity from successful CEOs

Everybody knows that leading a company is not fun. It does not matter whether you are a leader at a small company or a multinational corporation. You always have to…

How to lead - three tips for practical exercises

The new McKinsey Quarterly has an article dedicated to shifting mind-sets…

Why are bad managers bad?

Coaches, trainers, and consultants specialized in the development of…

Key personal traits of a project manager

Are you thinking about becoming a project manager? Then you will surely…

Do you have entrepreneurial talent?

Entrepreneurship is demanding both physically and mentally. It is commonly…

What not to say in a presentation

The purpose of this presentation is ... Imagine that ... Thank you. These…

Can you afford to be friends with your team?

Answering this question is not so simple. The roles of a manager, as a…

No more working overtime

Many of todays professionals know this bitter feeling: they are working…

7 steps to more emotionally intelligent leadership

Senior leaders have the greatest strategic impact on the operation of their…

Keep a positive approach to work

You are overwhelmed by not very inspiring work and your boss is not exactly…

Negotiations: How to achieve a win-win result

Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to negotiate. Some of us even…

Negotiations: How to achieve a win-win result

Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to negotiate. Some of us even…

What to do on Sunday evening - let the successful inspire you

There are not many people who would look forward to Sunday evening. A…

Listing 2562 to 2574 out of 3345