Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

10 little steps to damage your career

Anyone can make a big mistake at work that can damage his career or even be the cause of his dismissal. More often, however, our careers are destroyed by small…

What do your people really need?

What are the really important things every manager should provide to his…

Performance evaluation sins

A manager's incorrect approach to employee performance evaluations is not…

Are your subordinates happy?

When you ask your subordinates whether they are happy about working for…

10 situations where you should be silent

Why didn't I stay quiet? Most leaders are familiar with this question,…

Improving your memory

The ability to memorize and recall vast amount of information is priceless.…

Principles of managing ethically weak employees

Immorality. Unscrupulousness. Corruption. Such words describe ethically…

Time management: Do you care about your colleagues?

Typical recommendations for better time management suggest turning off your…

What is important for cross-border trade?

There is no universal recipe for increasing exports. What most affects…

5 steps to effectively cooperate with a mentor

Most managers believe mentoring is a useful personal development and career…

Working tips about procrastination

If you feel that you put more energy into avoiding a certain task instead…

Test: Do you know how to praise?

Managers tend to overlook everyday opportunities to express recognition to…

How not to become a nomophobic

We are increasingly experiencing situations where we are talking to someone…

Listing 2523 to 2535 out of 3347