Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Study: Walking boosts creative thinking

In an iconic scene from the Czech film Marecek, Pass Me the Pen! a professor asks student Svatek about the historical significance of the steam engine. Svatek…

Improve your voice

It is definitely possible to do something with your voice. The…

Are you a leader, or only a manager?

Becoming a manager is often not particularly difficult. Just spend a…

What should every manager know about their project?

You are responsible for a project and you take it for granted that no one…

How can you make a change in your life?

A successful business is not just about money, but also about people - it…

10 tips to develop your leadership skills

Today's leadership lesson is based on the research and experience of Ronald…

Practical tips for project managers

If you want to manage your project effectively, you have to keep the…

Getting things done (in half the time)

When in the office, the true challenge is to create some pauses between all…

6 practical tips for greater productivity from successful CEOs

Everybody knows that leading a company is not fun. It does not matter…

How to lead - three tips for practical exercises

The new McKinsey Quarterly has an article dedicated to shifting mind-sets…

Why are bad managers bad?

Coaches, trainers, and consultants specialized in the development of…

Do you have entrepreneurial talent?

Entrepreneurship is demanding both physically and mentally. It is commonly…

Key personal traits of a project manager

Are you thinking about becoming a project manager? Then you will surely…

Listing 2497 to 2509 out of 3288