Manager – management news

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Stop talking about accountability. Be accountable

You don’t want your employees to hide mistakes? Then you must set a positive example of accountable behavior and encourage them to mirror it, advises the…

10 skills of emotionally intelligent leaders

A leader who really wants others to follow him can't be a tyrant or a…

Lose your blind faith and actually create a learning culture

Change is not an event it is a process. There are no instant changes when…

Is there an etiquette issue at your office?

Using bad language or bothering others with various odours are fairly…

What to do when someone sticks to you at a conference

What if you are not an extrovert who enjoys talking to a room full of…

How law firms can evolve: Story of a big transformation (2/3)

The international law firm Seyfarth Shaw, based in Chicago, employs almost…

Conflicts resolution: When to negotiate and when not

How to resolve conflicts? There are only three approaches, according to…

What should you do about your employees' self-doubt?

Managers often make mistakes in how they try to help their subordinates…

Unconscious bias and diversity: Fight the former, promote the latter

Imagine being the only marketer in a room full of engineers or the only…

3 tips for more professional and persuasive presentations

We all have seen how a speaker can be the loneliest person in the world…

Learn to be agile: Lessons from the world of IT

Agility is a necessity if you want to create usable software in a short…

True productivity is not about getting things done

Workers who work from home often claim that they are more productive when…

Most common myths about burnout

Many people think that burnout is just short-term stress which will…

Listing 1886 to 1898 out of 3291