Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Do you really need more creativity?

Do you think your team or company is not creative enough? Maybe it's not true, you just may be unable to listen and get things done. People, and companies too,…

How to make a presentation engaging?

In November the colours of leaves shift from green to gold, red and orange.…

5 habits of successful and creative people

Emotional intelligence expert Travis Bradberry has developed, in his own…

How to resolve conflicts with a remote colleague

Conflicts arise in all teams, including virtual ones. People who are…

How does a successful working day begin?

The beginning of a working day is critical for how productive we will be…

These practices actually promote diversity

Vast bodies of research suggest that the commitment and accountability of…

Make your presentation attractive to different personality types

Lets use the MBTI distinction between people with sensing and intuitive…

What leaders must always have time for

A manager's calendar is usually full of meetings, appointments or…

Leadership: Everything for the team

Nobody is born a leader. You have to develop  your leadership skills in…

Study: Corporate social responsibility in the heart of Europe

Businesses have had a positive impact on finding solutions to social…

Last-minute presentations: How to survive (2/2)

The website prepared a series of tips applicable…

Online meetings and webinars: Make them pay attention to you

Webinars are cursed. Everyone firmly believes that others are answering…

What to do when employees behave like children

Tantrums, whining, eyes rolling, throwing things across the room or…

Listing 1834 to 1846 out of 3291