Manager – management news

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Richard Branson: What doing business taught me about leadership

Many things can be planned in business. Nevertheless, managers and entrepreneurs keep addressing issues that don't go as planned and may end up as a complete fiasco.…

Self-care matters when it comes to professional success

Have you forgotten about yourself? If so, that is bad. Self-care is by no…

2 truly effective ways to train new employees

Learning and training helps your employees gain and sharpen the skills they…

The customer is not always right. What should you do?

Not only freelancers have to treat their clients well, businesses do too.…

4 drivers of transformation (3/3): And what about the people?

We mentioned the development of manufacturing in the previous article. …

How to think about cultural intelligence and diversity

Are you an employer who really takes advantage of diverse perspectives…

It may be better if your employees follow rigid processes. Why?

Do your employees have the freedom to choose how they perform their tasks?…

Fundamental missteps of new top managers

Hiring a new CEO or some other top manager costs organisations a lot of…

How flattery triggers resentment and damages CEOs

When managers buy favour with their CEOs through flattery, it may be…

Richard Branson: 5 steps towards making the right decision

Making proper business decisions is usually not a matter of life and death.…

4 drivers of transformation (1/3): Product and customer journey optimization

It isn't easy to convert technological breakthroughs into comparable…

Seven obstacles in your career

The days are past when "doing your job" and showing interest in further…

How to win negotiations with aggressive opponents

Efforts to dominate, which may lead to intimidation or bullying of others,…

Listing 1379 to 1391 out of 3290