What should conference and event organisers prepare for in the future?

We may never return to the pre-pandemic world of conferences, trade shows and events as we knew it. We have all moved towards digital communication as the norm. This, however, offers an excellent opportunity for all organisers of such events.


The breadth of data easily obtainable via digital pathways offers participants in online conferences and webinars enhanced means to engage, which will inevitably lead to a better experience and faster brand growth. The role of event promoters is thus fundamentally changing. When planning an event marketing strategy for the future, there are five key elements you should not ignore.

Communities in the event environment

Community networking and building relationships are an integral part of a successful event - possibly the most important part. Once a physical event is over, networking also ends and participants wait for the next meeting to exchange new knowledge.

Thanks to virtual events, organisers have the opportunity to keep in touch with participants at any time, all year round. Just because an event has finished doesn't mean the interactions are over. Many virtual event platforms have an integrated community engagement feature that enables 365-day conversation. By supporting participant dialogues through the online community, an audience can return to your future events. This makes it easier to maintain continuity.

Wider experience in a home environment

Signing up for an event from home is now the norm. If you want to involve the audience more in the events and provide them with a unique experience, consider offering viewers a pre-arranged delivery, such as coffee for a morning break, lunch, wine for a happy hour, or a delicious piece of cake. You will see how this step will diametrically differentiate you from other event organisers. Moreover, many participants are happy to share such an experience via, say, a photo on social networks.

Continuity of events

Thanks to technological progress, building a set of communication tools becomes very simple. Now is the time for virtual events to become the centre of attention and form part of your strategy. There are no entry barriers to starting an online event. Unlike physical events, running a series of virtual events within a created community does not require a large investment but the return is potentially enormous.

Optimisation of return on investment

In addition to being cheaper, virtual meetings give managers another perspective on how to optimise spending on events. Calculating ROI for virtual events is less complex than personal events because many virtual platforms capture the entire search path. Participants are also required to submit their information in order to gain access to digital content compared to a physical event, where you basically have to bribe someone in order to receive their e-mail.

Generating another revenue stream

Every event you organise creates an inexhaustible amount of video content. Within the community you create, you are well on the way to building membership-based subscription revenue streams. Members will probably be willing to pay for an exclusive community if they receive relevant enduring value and high quality interaction. A membership-based community with a subscription plan is an excellent idea.

Thanks to the power of digital, events have become a viable growth and revenue driver for organisations. It's up to you to open the door and sit in the driver's seat. Because the road in front of you has just been paved and the cement is almost dry ...


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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