The kind of people a new startup needs

What kind of people are essential as startup hires? Many founders are where they are because of their sales skills, others thanks to their knowledge of the product. But there will soon come a time when they will not manage everything on their own.


The website put together the following list of essential hires.

Product manager

If a founder needs to focus more on developing the company, a product manager comes in handy. At small tech companies, a leading product engineer can take this role. But what holds true also for larger companies is that you need a good communicator for this role. This person also needs to be curious, able to take feedback and comments from staff, investors, and consumers and make improvements based on it.

Sales expert

A sales representative will bring the revenue your company needs. However, be careful with commission. Don’t lure in salespeople who care only about closing deals. You need people who will build relationships, thus creating a client base.

Until you can afford a large team, you need people who can handle well all parts of the sale process. You need people who will be equally good at answering inbound calls and presenting your offer to prospects.

Growth expert

A new startup usually has a good idea for a product or service. They manage to enter the market because they are offering something valuable. However, while founders usually have the skills to build their product, they are not necessarily able to initiate stable growth.

Chances are that the company needs a stellar marketer as soon as possible. True, without engineers and salespeople the startup wouldn’t even begin; however, after the initial phase it is important to generate further growth. Even the best inventions will ultimately be useless if potential customers don’t know about them.


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