3 tips on how to perfect your profile on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is a great tool for networking, maintaining your current partnerships and contacts and for keeping yourself updated. As an article on the  Social Media Examiner server states, your profile on  LinkedIn should correspond to your business targets. Here are three tips on how to improve the visibility of your profile as well as its efficiency, and  maximizing its business potential.

1. Align your profile with your company message   

Who you are is, in part, formed by the company you work for. To fully exploit the potential of a  LinkedIn profile, your thoughts and philosophy cannot go against those of your company. On the contrary - in terms of philosophy and focus, you and your company should compliment each other, so that you can use the brand and the image of your company for your own benefit.

2. Clearly define your role

There should be one single linking factor that interweaves your whole profile, including your CV. It should be something which you are really good at, and which you use in all the job positions you have had. You should also clearly and briefly state your personal "motto" on your profile to let others know how you can help them.

3. Expand your network of connections

Share your thoughts with a large, but quality network of connections. Let others know  what is going on at work, what events you have planned, etc. By sharing the content of your company, you can connect your personal philosophy with that of your company, as stated in the paragraph no.1.  LinkedIn lets you focus your connections by a variety of networks. Therefore, create an internal network of acquaintances and direct co-workers, and an external network of other types of business connections, and connect to each of these networks separately.


Article source Social Media Examiner - an online social media magazine
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