Get rid of your personal limits

Identify unhelpful beliefs you may have. Don’t get stuck in a rut and miserable, although it may be safer than trying to get ahead.


1. Don’t expect anything from others or from life

Sure, work with others. Give and receive help, but always remember that only you are the driving force of your life. For every friend, every opportunity, it was you who created the connection in the first place. Be grateful for any help.

2. Realize that your feelings are based on conditioning

Particular emotions are associated with our thoughts about certain events which we have gone through. We are shaped by our past negative experiences – and the same conditioning may not be true anymore. Beat your fears and doubts with a positive attitude. Free yourself from your past failures and pain, urges an article on the website.

3. Don’t expect others to behave according to their roles

Too often we firmly believe that people follow values assigned to their roles. Families don’t always love each other, and colleagues are not always supportive. In an ideal world they would, but reality is different. Deal with reality as it is. People are always just who they are –regardless of their role in our lives.

4. Don’t give up your personal development journey

If you know that you have a lot of work to do, it shouldn’t prevent you from starting. Time passes regardless of whether you have or haven’t developed the way you wanted to. Personal growth can be tough, but it's much better than getting stuck and depriving yourself of all the opportunities you could have.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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