Leadership skills for project managers


A good project manager must also be a good leader. Above all, he needs the ability to inspire others and share a vision. He must help his people feel as a real part of a common project and allow them to live the vision on their own. Immediately after the vision, the most important prerequisite for success in the role of a project leader involves communication with other people at all levels. If you want to manage a project, you must clearly communicate goals, responsibilities, performance expectations and feedback. You must learn to communicate openly while maintaining confidentiality.

Other important leadership skills of project managers include:

Integrity of conduct

Leadership stands and falls with ethical behavior. Act according to what you say and ask the same from your team.

Positive approach

Leaders must be able to show their enthusiasm and positive approach to problems. They know that enthusiasm is contagious and can work with it.

Empathy with others

Leader perceive thoughts, feelings and emotions of their people. They understand that their people have their own lives besides the work on a common project.

Trust and delegation

No team can effectively work withou trust. Project managers should demonstrate their trust by their actions - the way they can delegate and the extent to which they allow their people to actively involve in the project.

Ability to remain calm under pressure

We do not live in an ideal world where projects are always completed on time and without problems. Project leaders count with problems and do not collapse when the problems come. They can accept them as opportunities.

Team development and problem solving

Leaders build their teams based on a common goal. They follow the work styles of individual members and look for ways to use their strengths. They solve problems together in their teams but they are also able to solve the problems independently.


Article source Project Times - a US website and community focused on project management
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