Tips on how to tackle procrastination (1/2)

We all do it. We all put off something we don’t like by telling ourselves we will do it but just not now. To tackle the problem of procrastination, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. But there are some methods we can deploy. So let’s see what these are.


Fortunately there is a whole variety of approaches we can use when we catch ourselves procrastinating. An article on the website suggests we go through them and find those that will work for us personally.

1) Can you outsource it?

This is the first question you need to ask. If you can convince a colleague, partner, offspring or friend to do the task, you won’t have to do it yourself. Of course, you may need to offer them your help with something else instead but even then you might still be better off.

Even the fact you have always done a particular task yourself plays no role here. If you don’t have to do something but can ensure it still gets done, that's fine.

2) Make the task you avoid seem attractive

If the task suddenly seems attractive, the worst is over. The trouble is: how to achieve this state of mind? In fact, it is simple: just focus on the outcome. Think how great it will be when you have already done it ... what benefits you can visualise … the positive outcomes of having got it done.

When we postpone an unpleasant activity (e.g. a difficult phone call), we feel stressed. So imagine how liberated you will feel after you have done it. Once you have that good feeling in your mind, get cracking.

3) If visualising the positive impact isn’t enough, visualise the negative consequences

If you don’t finish the task, will there be financial consequences? Will you suffer emotionally? Accept responsibility for avoiding these negative outcomes. Imagine the regrets and shame you will feel if you now choose another temporary escape. If you have an uncomfortable feeling, then there is an easy way out: simply start working on the given task.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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Tips on how to tackle procrastination (1/2)


Tips on how to tackle procrastination (2/2)