Growth mindset vs fixed mindset

What mindset do you normally employ every day? It is primarily a matter of your standard attitudes and reactions. The way you perceive and react to challenges has an enormous effect on how you live your life.


In order to appreciate how you normally behave, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you often challenge yourself?
  • Do you give up in the face of adversity?
  • Are you making a conscious effort to achieve something? 
  • Are you stressed by the possibility of failure?  

Your talent, abilities or intellect can only take you so far. According to an article on the website, people also need to have a strong desire to learn and develop by accepting new challenges.

Traits of a growth mindset

  • Embracing challenges head-on
  • Not giving up even in the event of a setback or failure
  • Accepting the necessity for effort and hard work
  • Embracing negative feedback as an opportunity for learning and self-development
  • Viewing the success of others as inspiration

Traits of a fixed mindset

  • Believing that character, creativity, intellect and ability are static and don’t change during one's life
  • Avoiding challenges
  • Giving up easily when obstacles appear
  • Seeing effort as a waste of energy
  • Ignoring criticism or taking it personally (although in reality, it could be useful)
  • Viewing the success of others as a threat

Set yourself challenges and believe in yourself

People with a fixed mindset want to save face and not be seen as stupid for failing. That, however, limits their chances of growth. Challenge yourself daily to employ a growth mindset. Consider whether you might be shrinking from challenges out of fear. Adopt the attitude that challenges and failures are excellent for learning and personal growth.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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