Manage your time better and become more productive

Since time is the most valuable resource at our disposal, you should use your time effectively in order to get the most out of it.


Managing your time better will prove to be a real game changer. If you have the right habits, achieving your goals will be much easier. So adopt some tips recommended by the website.

Get rid of your to-do list

People who are highly productive don’t use to-do lists: they just schedule everything directly in their calendar. How are to-do lists impeding your productivity? A long list of tasks will simply overwhelm you. So enter everything directly in your calendar on the exact dates by which you want to have things finalised. This will create commitment and increase the likelihood you will actually act on your plans.

You don’t need motivation

People who are truly productive don’t need to be motivated before starting a task as they already have just the right mix of discipline and motivation. They go and do what needs to be done regardless of motivation. If you feel any resistance to taking action, just overcome it.

Challenge yourself at moments when you should take action. Stop making decisions based on how you feel at the given moment: base your decision making on what kind of future you want.

Keep in mind your energy schedule

You should know your energy cycle. Plan important matters for your energy peaks and schedule filler tasks for when your energy is lower.

Importance of mornings

Every morning, wake up early and stick to a routine and diet that makes you productive. This routine may consist of meditation, exercise or visualisation … but what is absolutely necessary is that you eat a healthy breakfast because you need some fuel for the day and what you eat directly affects your productivity.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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