How to know that you are working really too much?


In a recent article, we wrote about the fact that workaholism does not always have to be a bad thing. If you enjoy your work and it brings value to you as well as to your surroundings, then you can safely work more than eight hours a day. However, if you work long hours to escape from your personal problems or you do not have another world out of your work, then it is high time to reconsider your priorities. summarized the following manifestations of the fact that you sacrifice too much of your life to your work.

Let's start with a small exercise. Try to calculate how much time you really spend working - take your working time and add the time you spend commuting or dealing with e-mails and phone calls out of work. Remember to add all the time you spend thinking about work, too. If you are familiar with the following symptoms, you work too much.

You ignore your family

Of course, every job involves times when you need to work longer than usual. If you are an entrepreneur, for example, it is the time you have to invest in starting your company. However, when you do not spend time with your family even if your company is already running very well, your work becomes an excuse.

You spend your leisure time working

If your job is also your hobby, it's great. However, you should find a clear line between when you work and when you enjoy your leisure time. If you're not sure, try to find a way to relax in a completely different field.

You live in constant stress and fear

Long-lasting stress will always negatively affect your health. The next time you find yourself thinking about the next day's meeting the whole night, try to think about whether this is worth it.

Are you always available

If you never turn your cell phone or tablet off, something is wrong. What do you think you could miss if you are not available for a while? Your brain needs other stimuli than just looking on the phone.

You have no friends

You certainly know that life is not just about success and making money. Try to honestly answer the question to what extent you actively cultivate relationships with people outside of your work. If not enough, change it as soon as possible. The upcoming Christmas is a perfect opportunity.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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