How to recognize an incompetent project manager


The project manager’s profession is not one that is fighting for survival in the current economic situation. This, however, is not the good news for project management as could appear at first glance. With a bit of exaggeration, we can say that everyone is a project manager today, which is unfortunately reflected in the quality of project management. In a recent article the PM Hut specialized website therefore pointed out the “sins” of project management that clearly convict incompetent project managers.

Excessive admiration of themselves

Narcissistic project managers make all the decisions themselves without consulting with the project owners or with their project team. They show up late at meetings, reject the opinions of others and think that they are above everyone, not only on the project but in the entire organization as well.

Missing experience

The foundation for the project manager’s work is education and especially project management experience. If you entrust the management of a project to someone who does not have the necessary experience, and it starts to show early, replace him as soon as possible with someone who does have the experience.

Obsession with control and orders

Your project should not be managed by anyone who does not allow his people to say or write anything without his prior approval. It should also not be anyone who gives orders about how to do things and who requires written reports about all details, if it takes the whole team at least one week to draft the report.

People management instead of project management

People management is usually not the domain of project managers, as the project team members have their bosses. He should not confuse the team members by using methods that are in conflict with the methods used by their direct superiors.

Insufficient transparency

The project manager should not hide or distort information about the current status of the project, its budget or schedule, which also applies to communication with all stakeholders. There is no point hiding something that will come out anyway.


Article source PM Hut - the largest database of categorized Project Management articles
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