Stupid mistakes in a managerial career


Many problems in our managerial careers are actually our own fault. Neither a high intelligence nor long years of experience can save us from making mistakes. Even the best managers can easily make career mistakes that are stupid and that we would not expect them to make. If you want to avoid such mistakes, the following advice, recently published on, might be very useful.

1. Do not assume you will succeed in everything

Successful managers tend towards a certain arrogance. They believe they will succeed in everything they start and, moreover, their admirers only reinforce this belief. Excessive self-confidence, however, can never last forever.

2. Do not forget about details

Career successes are followed by promotions and greater responsibilities. Managers, however, often cease to perceive all the details that have helped them succeed so far. A typical example is delegating tasks to subordinates without further checking to see whether the said tasks have been carried out. Such a manager is simply so busy that in the end everything passes them by without their intervention.

3. Do not forget about your weaknesses

Any manager who thinks they are an expert on everything cannot be successful in the long term. The best managers are well aware of their weaknesses and know how to surround themselves with people who are strong in these areas.

4. Do not get rid of people with different views

Bad managers surround themselves only with yes men who never disagree with them. They simply believe that they cannot be mistaken and strongly enforce their decisions without considering the opinions of other people.

5. Be careful about how you treat people when you go up

As the classic says, you'll meet them on the way down. Everyone will experience a moment in their career when they start to go down. Precisely at these times you will need support.

6. Do not underestimate relationship building

Today excellent results, perhaps unfortunately, are not enough: relationships play a major role too. Thus a good manager must be able to "sell" themselves to influential people around them by creating the best PR for themselves. Of course, they must be able to balance sincere presentation of their results against excessive servility.

7. Do not think you can separate your work and private reputation

No senior manager can rely on people ignoring his private life. Problems with alcohol, drugs, promiscuity or other addictions clearly show that you are not able to manage your life.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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