5 steps to making the right decision


Every manager must be able to make decisions no matter how demanding is the situation he faces. Often he has to decide quickly and based on incomplete information. How can you decide correctly? Above all, remember that your decision is your choice that can have a significant impact on both your work and private life. It's up to you whether you follow the right direction. Inc.com advises asking the following questions before making important decisions.

1. Will you be proud of the decision when you look back on it?

This question is often forgotten, even though it is absolutely crucial. It forces us to think not only about the content of a decision, but also about the whole decision-making process and its implications. Managers are not expected to always make the correct decisions. However, they should always decide based on the right intentions.

2. Do you decide according to your values?

Each person has a particular moral compass which directs his actions. Your personal values should be clear for everybody to see in all of your decisions and actions. Whatever your values are, let them be your guide in every situation.

3. Are you aware of the consequences if you make the wrong decision?

Every decision has its pros and cons. If there are no opinions for and against, it is not a decision but a statement of fact. You should always be aware of the risks and take responsibility for them.

4. Do you share the real reasons for your decision?

If the people around you do not understand the logic and sense of your decisions, you will lose their trust. You will start spreading fear among your team and show that you lack confidence in your own abilities.

5. Do you believe your intuition?

If you do not know what to do, flip a coin. Try it and you will see something interesting. Focus on that brief moment when the coin is flipping in the air before it comes down. What would you wish most to happen? Intuition can show you the way if you let it.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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