Manager – management news

Článek v rámci předplatného Don't believe these seven public speaking myths

If you want your presentation to be successful (either at a conference or in front of company management), it has to engage or surprise the audience. Those who are…

Career advancement (1/2): The doubtful value of experience abroad

The authors advise executives to engage in international assignments.…

Set goals like a pro: 4 key things to consider

1. What? What do you want to accomplish? The key thing is to be specific.…

I came, I presented, I conquered (2/2)

The first part of the article offered seven practical recommendations on…

Článek v rámci předplatného A naked audience will not make your presentation easier

The Internet contains a huge number of recommendations on how to…

Why you are not as productive as you could be?

You can often hear advice on how to become more productive. However, much…

Článek v rámci předplatného Your offer is great but we're rejecting it

Failing in a negotiation because your offer was unrealistic is one thing;…

I came, I presented, I conquered (1/2)

Your mission is clear. You are to have a presentation in front of a…

Transformational change needn't be a nightmare

The ability to adapt to customer needs and market changes is closely…

Článek v rámci předplatného 5 tricks for a successful public presentation

For a speech or presentation at a conference to engage the audience, it…

Sell value, not price

Value selling is, in other words, offering your customer value. Your…

No more useless meetings

It will be a waste of time again. But I can't do anything about it, I have…

TED-inspired tips to enhance your next presentation

A successful presentation is not about getting everything perfect. It&…

Listing 313 to 325 out of 1041