Manager – management news

Single or multiple sourcing? (1/2)

When there is a business-critical project to take care of and sourcing is necessary, should you look for the best single supplier, or would it be better to use…

Why are meetings a waste of money?

There are considerable productivity losses every year in companies which…

Tips on how to tackle procrastination (2/2)

The previous article offered some tips on how to tackle procrastination.…

Busy period at work? How to survive it physically and mentally

A large number of professions occasionally have a period when more time…

Tips on how to tackle procrastination (1/2)

We all do it. We all put off something we don’t like by telling ourselves…

4 tips for building charisma

Good news - charisma is not a gift from God, it can be learned. Boost your…

Unable to beat procrastination? You can do it using these three methods

Procrastination, i.e. chronic postponing of duties until later, is nothing…

Most common project management myths

The fact that someone has Project Manager on their business card doesn't…

Brian Tracy: How to overcome your worries and succeed

To overcome your fears and anxiety, which is a sustained form of fear, you…

Some guidelines for introverted leaders

Do you recharge best when you are alone? If so, the chances are that you…

Brian Tracy: Why it is hard for you to get your job done

Do we really manage to get a lot done? Not really. So stop doing things…

Moments of anxiety: How to get it together again quickly

Everyone sometimes goes through upsetting situations and feels anxious. We…

How to be remarkably charismatic

Charismatic people exude confidence, and people are very willing to trust…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 1041