You need to know your blind spots (2/2)

The previous article described the first step you need to undertake if you want to break a chain of recurring failures and troubles. It was about your ego, which is a huge blocker when it comes to revealing your blind spots.


What other pieces of advice does the website recommend?

Third person perspective: ask thoughtful people for feedback

This may be very difficult. By asking for feedback from people you respect, you are opening yourself up to the risk of being hurt. However, you need to realise that the reward considerably outweighs the risk.

Everyone can use a few close confidants, people whose opinions you value and trust. Select from people who:

  • have accomplished something you admire
  • seem to be able to see your point of view and critically assess it
  • are willing to meet for regular conversations

When you meet, create a safe space for them to provide honest, thoughtful feedback. Remember: they can see what you can't. Be interested in the perceptions you’ve created. Afterwards, rethink your attitudes and actions.

Question everything to stay ready

You don’t need to rely solely on these feedback sessions: you should be critically thinking all the time. Any success you achieve is never final. Some of your approaches might have produced results in the past, but after some time, these may turn out to be ineffective.

Therefore, be ready to reassess your mindsets and beliefs. Otherwise, as things evolve, you will become helpless. Question your approach constantly. Reassess your attitudes and think critically about what you are focusing on.





Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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You need to know your blind spots (1/2)


You need to know your blind spots (2/2)