Manager – management news

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Is your career direction the right one?

Do you have more ambition than just to go to work, bring money home and spend it? Then you should actively manage your career. To get started, look around you and…

How to choose a suitable candidate for a Six Sigma specialist post

Six Sigma is a popular management methodology which aims to identify and…

Stephen Covey's Seven Habits

On Monday 16th July 2012, popular American expert on leadership, lecturer…

First Woman on Facebook's Board of Directors

The first woman has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Facebook…

10 tips on how to avoid layoffs

10 tips on how to avoid layoffs

Many companies choose layoffs as a clear way to reduce costs. And yet there…

Study: Corporate information most often disappears on USB drives. Thieves focus on plans

The risk of corporate data thefts will be increasing in the next three…

What to do about an unhealthy company culture?

What to do about an unhealthy company culture?

Company culture is like a long-term relationship. Its not just about…

Why should firms start with social media and who should be in charge?

This was the title of an interesting presentation by a social media…

Konference "Nový svět firemní spolupráce: SOCIAL BUSINESS"

In-house social network to support corporate creativity

IBM Connections is a social software for open information sharing in a…

An introduction to Lean Six Sigma

How does the Lean Six Sigma method for improving company processes differ…

Study: Over 85% of top Czech managers view the atmosphere in their companies positively

More than 85% of senior executives in the Czech Republic consider the…

Lower bonuses for Tesco bosses

Philip Clarke, CEO of the British supermarket chain Tesco, gave up his…

The most frequent mistakes made when announcing changes

You are planning to announce a major change in your organisation but if you…

Listing 937 to 949 out of 987