When choosing employees for your team, you should be wary about agreeable people who will make a good impression. People who dont mind that others dislike them are…
At the end of 2014, only five percent of of all board members in the 200…
Are you currently looking for a new job or considering a career change? If…
Companies, particularly those operating in developed markets, will have to…
We often read about how important it is for leaders to be authentic.…
Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg is one of the world's most…
Managers are often being compared to conductors. Being a manager is,…
A set of values is a necessity when you want to support correct behavior in…
The Harvard Business Review magazine has just published a guide for…
Not only will your day be more enjoyable but a sense of humor results in a…
An exceptionally busy manager may find managing a team that delivers…
The fear of making a mistake is a mistake in itself. It's an unnecessary…
How do you motivate employees? You must make sure that the tasks are fun or…