Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Prepare your new leaders to lead: What are their weaknesses?

Do you know what the pros and cons of young, new leaders are? Sometimes their weaknesses are the work ethic and a sense of entitlement to everything. Their…

Methodology for tough decisions might help you decide on yours (2/2)

In the previous article we introduced Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) as a…

Collaboration and diversity need your ethical guidance

No inner system of guidance can be strong enough to guide employees to…

"Irrationally Yours" - A new book by Dan Ariely

The fans of Dan Ariely and his books Predictably Irrational (HarperCollins,…

Methodology for tough decisions might help you decide on yours (1/2)

Being managers, you often have to make tough decisions. Which new policy or…

Annoying your manager: Guide for beginners

Your manager will not be happy when you try to delegate your problems…

Can you give feedback effectively?

A lack of feedback equals a lack of opportunities to improve. Managers who…

Online sharing: Code of conduct and trust are necessities

Those who communicate with their colleagues online are more effective when…

Leadership is taught poorly: Leaders need to be representatives and be human (2/2)

According to the Can Business Schools Humanize Leadership? paper by…

Study: Tech-ready states in 2015

This year's leader of the ICT revolution is Singapore, which has a…

What makes global cosmopolitans great employees

Employers should try to uncover the benefits and skills of their well-…

How best to prevent fraud and failure? Do not demand success at all costs

Do you think that fraud is committed by employees who are too greedy and…

Redesigning organizational design: Focus on integration

How do you know that an organization is well-designed? When strategic goals…

Listing 690 to 702 out of 987