More than 1.4 million vehicles were produced in the Czech Republic in 2017. The record is exactly 1,421,324 units. Production last year surpassed the previous…
Will we succeed in developing superintelligent robots, which will…
Have you ever wondered what it's like to own a business? First, it's not…
In order to be successful, it is important to build a cooperative working…
In 2017, the global economy was the best it has been in the last six years.…
Women must be assured that their accomplishments will be recognized, since…
Get rid of the bottom 10 to 15 percent of your clients every two years.…
Women in tech leadership roles are still somewhat rare. Furthermore, young…
At the end of 20167, the Czech Company Car of the Year winners were…
The previous article described how sometimes we may have a tendency to…
What is blockchain? This piece of technology was first described in a paper…
If you are a leader, you need to choose the right people and put them in…
Freelancing means freedom and independence for many people. This autonomy…