In order to be successful, it is important to build a cooperative working relationship with your boss. This will give you power and make you an active participant in…
Both at the beginning and during the course of our careers, many of us have…
Women must be assured that their accomplishments will be recognized, since…
Women in tech leadership roles are still somewhat rare. Furthermore, young…
The beginning of the new year is a time not only for resolutions in your…
Freelancing means freedom and independence for many people. This autonomy…
Beginners in management roles often have problems with being themselves.…
The previous article showed that in order to deal with this question, some…
You are about to start working for a new employer or in a new position…
Markets are on the rise, people are changing jobs, many of those who have…
Managers often say they are open to feedback in order to keep improving…
Even the best have blind spots where their weaknesses are hidden. What are…
Taking action to build up your self-confidence is a no-brainer. There are…